I perform small house jobs here and there for hire. I paint houses, repair things, do some roofing, and just an odd assortment of jobs. In the past this has been a pretty good business but lately though it seems like I am having trouble getting paid. What are your suggestions for things I could do? Although several practical business approaches could be implemented to ensure payment, I assume you are asking about your legal recourse for late payments. Several legal approaches are worth discussing. […]
Tag Archives: Dave Stucky
Can my son get his money back on this bad deal?
My seventeen-year-old son purchased a four wheeler from a man in Wichita. The four wheeler was advertised as “running good.” When my son got the four wheeler home, it did not start. We took it to a local mechanic and it has multiple mechanical problems. It will cost more to fix it then the thing is worth. My son just wants his money back. I did not know about the purchase at the time, but I feel bad for him. I am sure he has […]
Can I get a Felony Expunged?
Years ago I got caught up in a stupid situation with some friends that resulted in a felony conviction for me. I have not been in any real legal trouble since except for a few speeding tickets. I am married and living an honest life and would like to get that conviction expunged. Is that possible? Whether the conviction can be expunged depends on a host of factors. The Kansas statute that deals with expungement is KSA section 21-4619. The statute specifies the amount of […]
In the case of cattle and cars tangling, am I liable?
My family owns some cattle. Adjoining our property is a highway. The cattle have escaped before without incident. If our cattle were to escape and cause a car accident, would we be held responsible? The answer to your question is “maybe” and depends on the surrounding circumstances. The Kansas legislature has adopted a series of statutes that deal with this situation. Most notably, Kansas law imposes a blanket-wide prohibition making it “unlawful for any neat cattle, horses, mules, asses, swine or sheep to run at […]
Is there any hope for my lost luggage?
I was on a flight approximately several weeksago and the airline still has not found my luggage. I did not have anything particularly valuable in my suitcases but it is still extremely frustrating. The airline has worked with me but hasn’t been as accommodating as I would expect. They haven’t contacted me asking how much my luggage was worth in order to replace it. What are my rights against the airline? That is a very frustrating situation. It reminds me of a similar scenario in […]