I have some farm ground in McPherson County. I was recently contacted by a gentleman from I think Oklahoma that wanted to visit with me about leasing my ground to an oil and gas company. I was not clear if he actually worked for the oil company or not. I visited with him briefly over the phone and I agreed to let him send me a lease agreement to review. I have now received the lease and am not sure what everything means. The idea […]
Tag Archives: Dave Stucky
Stucky attends water conference in Topeka
Dave Stucky recently attended the annual Water and the Future of Kansas Conference in Topeka. The conference attracts some of the top scholars and experts in the field of water supply, water quality and water regulation. A wide range of issues were addressed, from the life expectancy of Kansas reservoirs to the potential impacts of climate change on water supply and agriculture. The conference acts as a catalyst for planning new policies and developing potential legislation impacting water as a resource. Stucky’s practice areas include […]
They are keeping the dress, can they do this?
I took a dress to be repaired a while back. The place had advertised a special rate in the newspaper. When I went to pick up my dress I was given an invoice for an outrageous amount. I refused to pay and told the person at the desk that I would only pay the advertised price. I demanded my dress back in exchange for me paying that amount and they refused. They are keeping my dress. Is this criminal? Can I sue them? This is […]
Searching a minor?
A friend and I had an argument disputing whether or not a juvenile can be searched by police without parental consent. My understanding is as follows: A search, under most circumstances, requires probable cause or a warrant. Also, students may be searched in a school setting under reasonable suspicion. However, with probable cause, a peace officer may search a minor without first getting consent from the parent. A peace officer may also question a minor without consent. The minor still has the right to refuse […]
What are the advantages of an LLC?
I own a small family business. Because of what we sell, I have recently worried about being sued. A family friend suggested that I form an LLC. What are the advantages of an LLC? A limited liability company, or LLC, is a unique type of business formation with many benefits. An LLC consists of one or more members and exists as an entity distinct from its members. For example, an LLC can hold property in its own name and sue or be sued. Profits and […]