I am on the board of a charity group here in Harvey County. A few months ago we learned of the risk of losing our non-profit status because of new IRS regulations. I just learned that apparently we still dropped the ball and have not completed the paperwork to comply with these regulations. Is there anything we can do at this point? The answer to this question in general is “yes,” there are still things that you can do to try and protect or regain […]
Tag Archives: Dave Stucky
Is ‘slip and fall’ incident at business a case?
A while back I slipped and fell outside a business. I broke my hip and suffered other injuries. I am still experiencing great pain. I have heard the term “slip and fall” and am wondering if I have a possible case. The term “slip and fall” is often used to describe a certain class of personal injury cases and is the most common type of premises liability case. Just as it sounds, a slip and fall results from one slipping and falling as a result […]
When is declaring bankruptcy the best option?
My husband and I have accumulated a fair amount of debt over time. In the past, we have been able to make various payments on the debt, but now my husband recently lost his job, and we are struggling to keep afloat. Should we consider bankruptcy? Whether to file for bankruptcy is not an easy decision by any means. The idea of seeking bankruptcy often gives many people great anxiety. However, sometimes everyday circumstances — such as the loss of a job — occur that […]
Property owner asks Eagle about trespassing pet
We have a picket fence around our property. Our neighbor lets her dog climb under the fence to do his business. She often has him on a leash and makes no effort to pull him back. Especially since we have the fence, is this trespassing? I doubt there are very many lawn owners that live in town that have never encountered a similar problem with a neighborhood pet. This can translate into quite a smelly and unsightly result on one’s lawn. Whether a fence exists […]
Mother seeks Legal Eagle’s advice on child support
What action can be taken by a single mother of three minors (divorced two years), when ex-husband/father is currently four months behind in child support? The father does not have a paycheck from an employer. Child support has been paid sporadically. The answer to this question somewhat depends on the nature of the paperwork filed during your divorce and the circumstances that may have changed since that time. It is possible your divorce was completed with only an oral agreement regarding child support. This seems […]