I think I should be the trustee

A while back my parents established a trust. My father is no longer living. My mother is in a nursing home in Kansas. My brother, who now lives in Idaho, is the trustee of the trust. I feel that he is not doing as much as he should as trustee. I also feel that since I live closer to my mother that I should serve as trustee. What should I do? A: That sounds like a frustrating situation. With the facts provided, however, it is […]

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Is it legal to keep my grandfather’s bald eagle?

My father shot and killed a bald eagle when he was 14 years old. He is now 93, and he has the eagle displayed in his house. Is it illegal for us to keep it? The bald eagle is protected by at least three federal laws: the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, and the Endangered Species Act. Together, these laws create sweeping mandates with respect to the collection of bald eagles. A cursory review of each of these acts, […]

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Apprehension of undocumented immigrants

There is a growing awareness undocumented immigrants are experiencing a lot of apprehension about the stress which they face daily due to Federal or state regulations. For example, the necessity of driving without a license to get to work. What are the consequences of licensed drivers assisting them in order to reduce their anxiety and stress? How can local persons offer a sign of hope and encouragement? What is involved in providing sanctuary? Or of introducing or passing corrective legislation? Immigration is a hotly contested […]

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Can the officer ask for my child’s age?

My daughter was at a party a few months ago. The party apparently was attended by a number of people older than the age of 21 and a few minors. A police officer busted the party and began taking down the names and ages of each person present. Did my daughter have to give this information to the officer? This is actually not a question with a black-and-white answer. Depending on the circumstances, your daughter potentially may risk being charged with obstruction of legal process […]

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Can I keep the ones that got away?

Last fall I was at a lake with my family. While exploring in a wooded area near the lake, I found two fishing poles and a tackle box. The items were not particularly valuable although the tackle box contained a number of fairly nice fishing lures. I called the local ranger and described the items and asked if anyone had reported them as missing. He said no. I took the poles and the tackle box home with me. I have since had the items for […]

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