I have a family member that recently experienced a trauma in her life. Now, she doesn’t seem quite right and appears mentally unstable. She has threatened suicide several times. Although she is mainly withdrawn and subdued, sometimes she also lashes out angrily. We want to get her help but she will not voluntarily enter into treatment. Is there anything that can be done? This is a difficult situation and it does sound like she could use some help. Obviously, it would be beneficial if your […]
Newton’s Legal Eagle
Can I lose my license for too many tickets?
I received a speeding ticket the other day. I was going pretty fast and I have several speeding charges on my record. I have heard that if I get too many speeding tickets I could lose my license. Is that true? Also, is there something I could do about the ticket? The answer to the first question is “yes,” you could lose your license for having too many speeding tickets in a given period. If a person has a commercial driver’s license, one set of […]
What do I do to stay out of jail?
I was placed on probation for a driving while suspended within the last year. I honestly thought I just had to complete six months worth of probation. However, I have now learned that I actually had a year probation and it does say that on the paperwork I signed. I didn’t find out that I was in trouble because I had moved apartments and had forgotten to provide a forwarding address. The prosecutor is now apparently seeking to revoke my probation. I think I could […]
Should I file bankruptcy with college loan debt?
I have loads of student loans and currently do not have a job. I worked for several years out of college but barely had enough to repay my student loans. Of course now I have also accrued some significant credit card debt. I am looking for a job in my field but am having some trouble. Is bankruptcy a good option for me? Bankruptcy appears to be an option for you but may not be your best solution, especially if your primary concern is your […]
Do I pay child support for step children?
When I got married seven years ago, the gal I married had two kids from a previous marriage. They were two and four at the time. We are now in the process of going through a divorce. Am I responsible for paying child support for her kids since we were married? She has made various such threats. I want nothing to do with her and just want to move on with my life. Although I suspect you helped support the children during the marriage, you […]