Mother seeks Legal Eagle’s advice on child support

What action can be taken by a single mother of three minors (divorced two years), when ex-husband/father is currently four months behind in child support? The father does not have a paycheck from an employer. Child support has been paid sporadically. The answer to this question somewhat depends on the nature of the paperwork filed during your divorce and the circumstances that may have changed since that time. It is possible your divorce was completed with only an oral agreement regarding child support. This seems […]

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Choose your roommates wisely

I moved into a house with several roommates. We signed a year lease for $800 per month. Over time, I became particularly unhappy with my roommates and just recently moved out. However, I have only lived there for five months. I am worried about the remaining seven months of rent, which I can’t afford to pay. Could I be sued? This is an interesting question, and it likely happens relatively frequently, especially among college students. It is easy to become frustrated with the roommate who […]

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